Counties included: Nassau , Duval & St. Johns Counties Northeast Florida Report includes Hot Spots from Vilano Beach, Florida north to the Fla/Ga state line. Reports come into me during the week thru phone, e-Mail and my website and are condensed down to the areas mentioned.

Report from Mon 7/5/10 – Sat  7/10/10

 Vilano Beach,FloridaSurf Fishing
Water temp  80 degrees

Vilano Beach has slowed down a bit on the Pompano and Black Drum this week compared to last report.

Only a few reports coming in from anglers on the beach catching Pompano and a handful of small Black Drum with an occassional slot Red.

Best tide to fish Vilano is late incoming and early outgoing.

 Gate StationSurf Fishing
Water temps running  80 degrees

Small to medium size whiting being brought in and Pompano hitting Sand Fleas.  The Drum have disappeared.

Best tide for fish is incoming.

Micklers LandingSurf Fishing

Few whiting 1lb to 1.5 lbs being caught with a couple of Black Drum and Small Reds hitting Sand Fleas on the incoming tide.


 Jacksonville Beach PierPier Fishing
Water temps running  79 – 81 degrees

Kingfish this week brought Over The Rail exceeded expectations due to offshore winds muddying up the water but it was better then expected with close to a dozen Kings hooked and a few lost. Pompano slowed to a few being reported but the Sheepshead have been doing well around the pilings along with Black Drum and some Reds coming in.  Small sharks are plentiful along with Bait steeling Sand Perch.


 Nassau SoundSurf Fishing
Water temps running 79-80 degrees
Small sharks and a few whiting along with an occassional Black Drum and Pompano.

 The Best results are on the early outgoing tide.

 Nassau SoundBridge Fishing
Water temps running 79 to 80 degrees
Whiting, trout. and Black Drum with a few Reds coming in on late incoming and early outgoing tides

 sand fleas and fresh dead shrimp are still the bait choice.

 Until next week,

Joe Dionne