Counties included: Nassau , Duval & St. Johns Counties Northeast Florida Report includes Hot Spots from Vilano Beach, Florida north to the Fla/Ga state line. Reports come into me during the week thru phone, e-Mail and my website and are condensed down to the areas mentioned.

View Jacksonville Pier, Surf and Land in a larger map

 Vilano Beach,FloridaSurf Fishing
Water temp  82 degrees

The Pompano are back but not much size. A few trout and Drum coming in at High Tide.

The whiting actually are alot bigger now then the last few reports from here.

Best tide to fish Vilano is late incoming and early outgoing.

 Gate StationSurf Fishing
Water temps running  81 degrees

Whiting , Drum and large trout coming in during the morning and late evening hours before the heat builds

Best tide for fish is incoming.


 Jacksonville Beach PierPier Fishing
Water temps running  81 degrees

Kings still coming Over The Rail averaging 1 to 3 per day at an average weight of around 23 lbs.

 Blacktips are numerous and the a few Sheepshead are being spotted on the pilings at the end.

Monster trout being hooked as well as Large Spanish Macks and Small Blues are hitting the Fresh dead shrimp.

Whiting have some good size to them as well as a few drum that are also coming in.


 Nassau SoundSurf Fishing
Water temps running 82 degrees
Sharks, and a couple of Tarpon being reported this week on the outgoing tide.

The Best results are on the early outgoing tide.

 Nassau SoundBridge Fishing
Water temps running 79 to 80 degrees
Whiting, trout. and Black Drum coming in on late incoming and early outgoing tides

 sand fleas and fresh dead shrimp are still the bait choice.

 Until next week,

Joe Dionne