This month “August” and into the beginning of September Coastal pelagic’s “Bonita, etc” and migratory fish “Bluefish, Mackerel, Jacks, etc” begin to move in thicker numbers around the shore of Florida, as a result, the bait is not happy so it moves on out. Our resident backwater mullet begin to stir, most years as this starts the mullet does not seem to know if it’s going North or South, so on some days that pod of mullet can pass you a couple of times if your sitting on a pier or inlet. As the end of the month comes the mullet correct themselves and head steadily South. The wind starts to come out of the Northeast more and the surf current begins to head South more consistently and with that the mullet run is on, those Northern Mullet find their way arriving overnight. When the winds blows hard and holds them against the coast we get a better run with predatory fish in the pods. However, it’s not so good with a West wind which tends to push the mullet out. We never really know when that run will begin but last week of September or first two weeks of October is a good marker, a couple of close storms can bring it on even better and sooner, our water temps will begin to drop also.
All I can say is be ready! I like to have a 15lb or 20lb throwing rod to walk the beaches as they pass and throw Xraps, Spoons or even snag a live mullet and live-line it out, it’s a nice healthy way to fish walking that beach and you can cover some distance in no time. The walk back isn’t always fun but I have a great wife that will drop me off and move the car ahead, maybe I will see you on the beach between September and October, I always see familiar faces this time of year on the sand.
Bluefish, Ladyfish and Mackerel will get more abundant as each week passes and we may get lucky and get a few Pompano around the end of the month but they normally show in October or rather the Keepers do. Should be some Bigs Jacks, Bonita, Kings, Blacktip Sharks and Tarpon also.
The first good front is a great time to get a Sailfish off our Northern Pier, they always seem to show that next day. Snapper should be around, Mangroves and Muttons and remember that if the ocean kicks up for a couple of days the Snapper bite will turn on around Inlets and Piers as it lays down.
Bait will be around some days as it scurries to get away from the big fisheis – Pilchard, Sardines, Ballyhoo, Mullet, Finger mullet, Goggle eyes and it’s not to hard to get a mullet when the pod passes.
This is a great time to be fishing a Pier, Inlet or Beach and will just get better as we slide into Fall good luck at the waters edge this month.