Well again this week it is summer time hit and miss. The more time you put in the better your odds of going home with something nice.
Anglins Fishing Pier
Monday-Blue Runners, Mangrove Snapper
Tuesday-Yellowtail Snapper, Jacks, Mutton Snapper
Wednesday- Sand Perch- Blue Runners, Muttons, Jacks
Thursday- Mutton Snapper, Jack Crevalles, Tarpon
Bait has been in the lights at night in good numbers, once the sun comes up they scoot to deeper water and out and away from the pier, Greenies are on the shadow line during the days, if you can see the bottom than you can find the Gogs.
This weekend could be good the water has had a lot of color with a good amount of sand in it, once this clears the Snapper should feed well, you just need to catch it once it clears up.
Hillsboro Inlet Party Boats–Afternoon trips
Saturday-Fish City Pride couple of Muttons, 2 bonita and a few Yellowtails.
Sunday-Helen S a Cobia and about 2 dozen Yellow Tail Snapper. Fish City Pride did poor on the afternoon trip.