Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to know
- BoatlessFisherman
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Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to know
This line here is just some keywords shorebound landbased beach bridge fishing sharks Tournaments
Ok I am starting this thread because I was asked to pass some info on.
This is not meant for any group or individual this is my thoughts and some info from the State, info from state is in red and the rest is me interpreting.
This comes from a person in the legislative side of FWC and has been a crucial part of all legislation on sharks the last 6 years or so, they put together what the commission votes on and supplys the info that they need to make an informed decision. No names will be released you will just have to take my word for it. I have been doing this stuff for a long time and have made some great friends in some good places.
This is straight from Tallahassee
Florida State does not wish to regulate Shark fishing from land on the contrary it is the last thing they want.
Nor do they want to regulate Landbased Shark Tournaments
But with that said
What has been happening and this is a quote is a "PR Nightmare" The state is hoping that all who are involved in organizing and fishing the Tournaments and or recreational fishing for Sharks from land will take it upon themselves to regulate and educate the people fishing these tournaments and as a whole as for Recreation Shark fishing and that is why this post is here so I can help in educating those that are doing it to pass this info on to others.
They feel there may be a problem in the amount of time it is taking to release the larger sharks and they really do not want to see these larger sharks removed from the water, because of the amount of time in fighting these large fish that the removing of the shark in that condition is more then likely leading to a higher mortality rate then is necessary.
Many may think they understand the release method but it is obvious from video that they don't correctly release these sharks. Just go to Youtube and watch.
The State will be in the very near future going to the Tournament Meetings and having educating segments for those fishing in these tournaments and open public educating seminars "maybe" on the public ones so first attempting to educate before regulating the tournaments and recreational fishers if it fails to change or set a standard for these types of events and for the recreational angler, Then regulation or even banning of such could happen. They do not feel they should have to specifically create a standard nor do they think all would follow it, it is up to fisherman to take the responsibility to do the RIGHT THING and for us to help by being involved in making a positive change in this style of fishing. This is not a large group of fisherman so we can help to change it.
All of this is not new, this has always been the haunt but at this time things better change or we will see the state get involved to protect the sharks and to align with the cities and counties, at this point they are with us not the cities and counties believe it or not they wish to preserve your right to do this from land as long as it is done responsibly.
Florida State recognizes that there will always be a mortality rate they just want to know with out doubt that all is being done to keep these creatures alive and get these cleaner releases.
Black tip challenge this year from my understanding required video great move this shows the releases and is a move in the right direction, I hope all will think of taking video it is way to show your release and show your doing it responsibly besides it may also get you out of a situation they could arise.
The state likes the idea of requiring tournaments to require video of the catch and release so it may be a good idea for all landbased shark tournaments to start requiring it before we get there because it the state does regulate one thing you can bet that will not be the only regulation.
This is me interpreting what could happen -- I can see the state requiring the use of certain rigging to prevent hammerheads from being caught and because of their unique structure it would be possible to develop a rig that would stop a hammerhead from being able to take a bait easily believe it or not I already know of a rig I call it the tee rig, a hammerhead can only take the bait if he turns upside down and eats the bait the rig is designed with his hammer in mind to prevent him from taking it in a supine or lateral position.
Florida State did not say this below in all these words I put it into these words
This would be a proper and good release
1.Shark would be brought in as quick as possible
2.The shark should remain in water and it would be best if it was completely in water so lets say 2/3 covered by water, "Now you choose to fish for an apex predator so you must accept the dangers of the release"
3. Once you have dehooked and at the same time you should be measuring any and all photos should be done while this is taking place and that is the importance of a 4 or 5 man team so you can do it all at once or close to it. You would finish up with the tagging.
4. The fish should be pulled to 2.5 to 3 feet of water or more and walked forward, My suggestion is to walk it into the current to create a better flow of water into its mouth best to do this parallel to the beach, plan on walking any fish for a good couple of hundred feet so it gets a good flush of water to help to bring the oxygen levels back up and to help it eliminate acid build up in its muscles on this short journey. Once that fish has re-orientated itself it will know where the ocean is and where the beach is. One reason why sharks head back to the beach they have been released to early and they are still disorientated.
Standing in ankle deep or even knee deep water and holding the tail and pushing forward and pulling it back and forth is not a proper release and if you do not have the gonads for getting in the water with these Sharks you should NOT BE FISHING FOR THEM from land.
Last but not the least all fisherman must do better at cleaning where they have been fishing, this one we will fail miserably I don't know why some must be idiots but there has to always be a few that really make it a problem for us the other fisherman but it still has to be said get a GRIP IDIOTS.
As it was said in another thread shark fishing from land can and will affect all fishing if we do not ban together and make it better we may all have new regulation or NO ZONES not cool.
This is for all the haters out there
Lastly I don't care if you Like me, IF you don't believe what i have said and if these issues are ignored over this year and nothing is corrected Changes will occur and this has been told directly to me by the STATE
So those that can speak to fisher people through there sites and on social media need to before we do have changes that none of us want and that are irreversible.
I have not posted this for me but for all of us because I believe these changes will occur if it remains like it is. -- maybe the State is blowing wind up my butt - I doubt it though but just in case it is worth trying to do something because the loss of our fishing of any kind or thing is tragic.
Ok I am starting this thread because I was asked to pass some info on.
This is not meant for any group or individual this is my thoughts and some info from the State, info from state is in red and the rest is me interpreting.
This comes from a person in the legislative side of FWC and has been a crucial part of all legislation on sharks the last 6 years or so, they put together what the commission votes on and supplys the info that they need to make an informed decision. No names will be released you will just have to take my word for it. I have been doing this stuff for a long time and have made some great friends in some good places.
This is straight from Tallahassee
Florida State does not wish to regulate Shark fishing from land on the contrary it is the last thing they want.
Nor do they want to regulate Landbased Shark Tournaments
But with that said
What has been happening and this is a quote is a "PR Nightmare" The state is hoping that all who are involved in organizing and fishing the Tournaments and or recreational fishing for Sharks from land will take it upon themselves to regulate and educate the people fishing these tournaments and as a whole as for Recreation Shark fishing and that is why this post is here so I can help in educating those that are doing it to pass this info on to others.
They feel there may be a problem in the amount of time it is taking to release the larger sharks and they really do not want to see these larger sharks removed from the water, because of the amount of time in fighting these large fish that the removing of the shark in that condition is more then likely leading to a higher mortality rate then is necessary.
Many may think they understand the release method but it is obvious from video that they don't correctly release these sharks. Just go to Youtube and watch.
The State will be in the very near future going to the Tournament Meetings and having educating segments for those fishing in these tournaments and open public educating seminars "maybe" on the public ones so first attempting to educate before regulating the tournaments and recreational fishers if it fails to change or set a standard for these types of events and for the recreational angler, Then regulation or even banning of such could happen. They do not feel they should have to specifically create a standard nor do they think all would follow it, it is up to fisherman to take the responsibility to do the RIGHT THING and for us to help by being involved in making a positive change in this style of fishing. This is not a large group of fisherman so we can help to change it.
All of this is not new, this has always been the haunt but at this time things better change or we will see the state get involved to protect the sharks and to align with the cities and counties, at this point they are with us not the cities and counties believe it or not they wish to preserve your right to do this from land as long as it is done responsibly.
Florida State recognizes that there will always be a mortality rate they just want to know with out doubt that all is being done to keep these creatures alive and get these cleaner releases.
Black tip challenge this year from my understanding required video great move this shows the releases and is a move in the right direction, I hope all will think of taking video it is way to show your release and show your doing it responsibly besides it may also get you out of a situation they could arise.
The state likes the idea of requiring tournaments to require video of the catch and release so it may be a good idea for all landbased shark tournaments to start requiring it before we get there because it the state does regulate one thing you can bet that will not be the only regulation.
This is me interpreting what could happen -- I can see the state requiring the use of certain rigging to prevent hammerheads from being caught and because of their unique structure it would be possible to develop a rig that would stop a hammerhead from being able to take a bait easily believe it or not I already know of a rig I call it the tee rig, a hammerhead can only take the bait if he turns upside down and eats the bait the rig is designed with his hammer in mind to prevent him from taking it in a supine or lateral position.
Florida State did not say this below in all these words I put it into these words
This would be a proper and good release
1.Shark would be brought in as quick as possible
2.The shark should remain in water and it would be best if it was completely in water so lets say 2/3 covered by water, "Now you choose to fish for an apex predator so you must accept the dangers of the release"
3. Once you have dehooked and at the same time you should be measuring any and all photos should be done while this is taking place and that is the importance of a 4 or 5 man team so you can do it all at once or close to it. You would finish up with the tagging.
4. The fish should be pulled to 2.5 to 3 feet of water or more and walked forward, My suggestion is to walk it into the current to create a better flow of water into its mouth best to do this parallel to the beach, plan on walking any fish for a good couple of hundred feet so it gets a good flush of water to help to bring the oxygen levels back up and to help it eliminate acid build up in its muscles on this short journey. Once that fish has re-orientated itself it will know where the ocean is and where the beach is. One reason why sharks head back to the beach they have been released to early and they are still disorientated.
Standing in ankle deep or even knee deep water and holding the tail and pushing forward and pulling it back and forth is not a proper release and if you do not have the gonads for getting in the water with these Sharks you should NOT BE FISHING FOR THEM from land.
Last but not the least all fisherman must do better at cleaning where they have been fishing, this one we will fail miserably I don't know why some must be idiots but there has to always be a few that really make it a problem for us the other fisherman but it still has to be said get a GRIP IDIOTS.
As it was said in another thread shark fishing from land can and will affect all fishing if we do not ban together and make it better we may all have new regulation or NO ZONES not cool.
This is for all the haters out there
Lastly I don't care if you Like me, IF you don't believe what i have said and if these issues are ignored over this year and nothing is corrected Changes will occur and this has been told directly to me by the STATE
So those that can speak to fisher people through there sites and on social media need to before we do have changes that none of us want and that are irreversible.
I have not posted this for me but for all of us because I believe these changes will occur if it remains like it is. -- maybe the State is blowing wind up my butt - I doubt it though but just in case it is worth trying to do something because the loss of our fishing of any kind or thing is tragic.
-Tommy A-
click, click, click, Fish ON - Over, Under, Over, Under Get out of my Way. Sound familiar.
click, click, click, Fish ON - Over, Under, Over, Under Get out of my Way. Sound familiar.
- phillybass
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Excellent post. I agree people need to learn to and take more care when releasing a shark. On the cleaning up after themselves that is a major issue to me. I have picked up tons of garbage off the pier and inlets. It's a shame people disrespect where they fish.
Tight Lines and Burning Drags!!!
- Rare
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Excellent post, Tommy!
It's deja vu...I know i heard this all a few days ago
The ball is in our court now so everything that was written should not be ignored on the best possible release for these awesome beast of the ocean. If not taken seriously be ready to talk about the good old days.

The ball is in our court now so everything that was written should not be ignored on the best possible release for these awesome beast of the ocean. If not taken seriously be ready to talk about the good old days.

- fishnfool73
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
The State says that are not going to ban land based shark fishing. It is a done deal it will be banned anyday...
I mean when have you known the goverment to not do the opposite of what they say they will.

Dreaming the dream that one day I can be as good as some of the boatless pros and catch some 12 inch mangrove snapper.
- Fisher
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
I agree however i think ALL fisherman need to do a better job at cleaning up free themselves. Not just shark fisherman.
- Fisher
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Great post!
I love it when this reel sings.
- Fisher
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Good info. And yes people dont realize releasing a shark is not like releaseing most game fish you cant just hold their tail and pull them back and forth, they should never be pulled backwords for a clean release. Question though after catching a 7-8ft bullshark or any dangerous shark from a beach where people swim.... Release or keep?
- Posts: 751
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno

- baseball4life702
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- baseball4life702
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- Location: Miami, FL
Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Lol I'd throw out another joke but I'll help you... What phone do you have, if it's iPhone or smartphone with App Store download a resizer app and that should do it I isually do like 640x1130 just keep that first number under 800 and it should upload, same concept for computer but Imo it's easier on phone.
- Fisher
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Great post!
will definatley be doing my part to help conserve our land based fishing.
First post!!

will definatley be doing my part to help conserve our land based fishing.
First post!!

- Fisher
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Good information.
- James5985
- Fisher
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Such a good post!
- Fisher
- Posts: 25
- Joined: Wed Aug 16, 2017 2:39 am
- BoatlessFisherman
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Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Really Sad
I gave this warning and certain fisherman did not step up. " yes many don't post in BF Forum but they read it and are members"
So now change is coming by regulations
All you had to do
1.Not remove Protected species from the water
2.Not pose with the shark
3.Not fish in the day time or around bathers
4.Not be LOUD about what you do
5.Not brag and show off on Social Media
6.Not Chum "Its unnecessary with beach currents" Sharks are there with out Chum
I gave this warning and certain fisherman did not step up. " yes many don't post in BF Forum but they read it and are members"
So now change is coming by regulations
All you had to do
1.Not remove Protected species from the water
2.Not pose with the shark
3.Not fish in the day time or around bathers
4.Not be LOUD about what you do
5.Not brag and show off on Social Media
6.Not Chum "Its unnecessary with beach currents" Sharks are there with out Chum
-Tommy A-
click, click, click, Fish ON - Over, Under, Over, Under Get out of my Way. Sound familiar.
click, click, click, Fish ON - Over, Under, Over, Under Get out of my Way. Sound familiar.
- Rare
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- Joined: Sat May 03, 2014 3:05 pm
Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
So, what you are saying is 1 more BF tournament before it is all gone?

- Fisher
- Posts: 17
- Joined: Mon Nov 05, 2018 11:06 pm
Re: Landbased Shark fishing Stuff the State needs you to kno
Nice info and insights.
I bought a secondhand Nissan Frontier and installed new sets of Asanti wheels and Toyo tires. I'll try to dedicate more if my time in reforming it to its best condition.