How to catch Spanish mackerel in South Florida from land.

Spanish Mackerel are a fun and challenging fish, you would normally fish with a lighter rod so your fighting technique has to be perfected. This fish has alot of power and speed and if you are not ready it will either cut you off or just break your line. So remember practice will make your productivity improve.

If they are there it will be easy to catch them Try anyone of these methods and one should work.
My rod of choice is a light spinner with 6lb to 10 lb line

Live Bait “Pilchard, Sardines and Speedos work well” also Live SHRIMP.
Normal rule is if macks are around there is bait except for that rare place or time of year. If you have to bring them yourself. I get my bait at Anglins fishing pier or the Inlets.
Use a leader of 30lb or so and a Long shank hook or you may choose to use a wire leader. I find this affects how many hits you get and it seems like alot less but you get your fish alot more. Hook the bait through the top of the tail and freeline it out with and open bail, cup your bail lightly and make sure your drag is loose because at the speed they can hit it will break easily. When the line rips off, close the bail and lightly hook the fish with enough pressure to sink the hook and let him run for a few seconds then really loosen the drag if your fishing a closed bail. Once hooked have fun fighting them and tighten and loosen drag as needed, To get the fish in take your time it may be a 6 to 8 pounder.

Artificials “Gotchas, Sidewinder jigs, other jigs, spoons, Yosura lures and other “fish like lure”
Crappy Jigs are working well now at Juno pier
I use the same rod and reel and leader tieing it to the artificial with a jig knot or a uniknot. The jig loop knot gives you a loop and most work better with this type of setup.
I work these with a short sharp jig and fast retrieve, adjusting to slower or faster until I get hit.
Remember to loosen your drag, you can always tighten but you can’t always loosen if it happens to fast.
The lures seem to work best with a medium steady retrieve
Strip Bait in the current works well, fish just like Live bait
Drinking straw rig is a drinking straw cut down to 2 to 3 inches and placed on a longshank hook and weighted or with a weighted cork three feet or so up the line if necessary. It has to be cast and retrieved at a medium to fast speed through the water. They do love this one some times.

I believe this will help you to perfect your art of fishing for Spanish Mackerel, but do remember there are other ways of catching this or other fish. Keep your mind open to new ways of fishing for them and other fish. There is no one way to fish for any species.written by Boatless Fisherman….TA..